Website Zayed University
Zayed University, "جامعة زايد" is the newest of the three government-sponsored higher education institutions in the United Arab Emirates. Achieving accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in the USA it became the first federal university in the UAE to be internationally accredited. It is named in honor of Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the country's first president.
Administrative officer-Office of Research- Abu Dhabi &Dubai (UAE Nationals)
Job Summary
To undertake a variety of administrative andprogrammanagementtaskswithinthe Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.Also,to helpinplanning andorganizing programs and activities as wellascarryoutimportantoperational duties.
Key Accountabilities
• Aids in thePlanning,DevelopmentandCoordinationof all programs and materials at theCenter
• Provides a rangeofbasicadministrativesupportfor the Innovation andEntrepreneurshipCenterincluding intheimplementation and marketing of programs
• Acts as liaison betweentheOfficeandotherUniversity offices and external institutions
• Supports incommunicatingandmaintainingapositive relationship with internalandexternalStakeholdersinaddressing inquiries and concerns.
• Exercisesindependentjudgmentinbringinginformation, researching and resolvingproblems forthe Center.
• Organizes,schedulesmeetings(booking,informingattendees about details) and preparestherequiredagenda inorder toprepare accurate meeting minutes anddistributethemto the attendees.
• Processes paymentsandreimbursementsfortheCenter’s programs while adheringtointernalguidelinestomaintain appropriate records.
• Acts as anofficecoordinatorforprogramming;maintains student files; respondstostudentinquiries;maintainsdatabase on students.
• Preparescorrespondence,presentationsandreports,agendas, background materialsand minutes.
• Works directlywithEntrepreneursformaterialsupport and coordination of activities when possible
• Follows up andevaluatesprogramingbefore,duringand after execution
• Performs other related duties as assigned bythe Director
Degree of Independence/Complexity of Environment
• Integrity, confidentialityanddiscretionareanabsolute must.
• Very highdegreeofindependence,responsibilityand judgment.
• Able to manage adiverseportfolioandworkload,delivering service with a sense of urgencytomeettime-framesand deliverables.
• Acts as an ambassadorandrolemodelrepresentingthe Center with professionalism at the highest levels.
• Able to manageahighlyambiguous,constantlychanging environment with a diversenetworkofkeystakeholders andpolicy makers.
• Must be able todealwithsimultaneouslyoccurringdeadlines which may compete for time.
Working Relationships/Impact of Interactions
• Facilitatesactionanddecision-making,ensuringhigh quality outcomes.
• Effectively represents the interests of ZU management.
Education & Experience Requirements
Must possess a bachelor’s degreeinEntrepreneurship/Marketingorarelated field from anaccreditedinstitution with a minimum of2yearsrelevant experience or anequivalentcombination of education and experience.
Essential Requirements:
• Excellent organization and time-management skills
• Outstandingcommunication,interpersonalandleadership skills
• Outstanding verbal and written communication
• Detail-oriented and efficient
• Ability to work andcommunicatewithallmanagement levels
• Entrepreneurship or ProgramManagementExperience preferred
Customer Focused – The ability to discover the needs of internal and external customers and strive to deliver services and products to meet these needs in a professional and courteous manner.
Results Orientation – The ability to set and accomplish challenging goals, maintain focus, intensity and optimism in achieving results that are consistent with the organization’s objectives.
Resource Management – The ability to leverage organizational resources effectively and works towards standards of excellence in achieving organizational goals and strategies.
Accountability – The ability to actively accept the responsibility for the job obligations, own decisions and actions.
Teamwork / Networking – The ability to effectively work with and support others as part of a team, both within and across functions, and building and maintaining positive relationships at all levels with cultural sensitivity, showing respect & effectively working with diversity.
Effective Communication & Influencing – The ability to listen, speak, explain, persuade and influence others by expressing thoughts and views concisely, effectively and appropriately in a range of different settings to hold their attention and achieve desired impact.
Statements in this document are intended to reflect,ingeneral,theroleand responsibilities of the position and are nottobeinterpretedastotally inclusive.
To apply for this job please visit hrapps2.zu.ac.ae.